704-888-2386 • 103 W Stanly Street, Stanfield, NC 28163

Planning & Zoning

The Town of Stanfield Planning & Zoning Board serves in an advisory capacity to the Stanfield Board of Commissioners.  The P&Z Board meets (as necessary) the last Monday of every month at 7:00 pm at Town Hall.  The Stanfield Commissioners and the Stanly County Commissioners appoint the members of the P&Z Board which is currently comprised of four inside town limits members (Rich Macco, Anita Newhouse, Cheryl Dunlap, Forrest Reynolds) and one outside member (Ritchie Love).  Also, two members are appointed as inside alternates (Scott Kiker, open position) and two as outside alternates (Audie Lowery, open position).  The Town Administrator serves as the Zoning Administrator for the Town of Stanfield. The Planning & Zoning department oversees all zoning, subdivision, and nuisance regulations for the Town of Stanfield and its surrounding ETJ (extra-territorial jurisdiction).  The Zoning Administrator completes Zoning Compliances and reviews requests for Conditional Zoning permits, rezoning, and subdivision approvals.

See Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Minimum Housing Ordinance on homepage.

Fee Schedule