704-888-2386 • 103 W Stanly Street, Stanfield, NC 28163


Town of Stanfield Town Hall
103 W Stanly St Stanfield, NC 28163
ph. 704-888-2386

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can I pay my Sewer/Water bill online?
Yes.  Logon to www.stanfieldnc.com and click on PAY YOUR WATER AND/OR SEWER BILL ONLINE about halfway down the homepage.
You can also pay with cash, check, or by card at the Town Hall or set up your account for automatic draft or auto card pay.  Cards are charged an additional fee of 1.5%.

2. Where is the Town Hall located?
103 West Stanly Street, beside the Log Barn Park

3. What are the working hours for Town Hall?
8:30 am – 5 pm Monday-Friday

5. Where do I get a “burn permit”?
online at    https://www.ncforestservice.gov/burn_permits/burn_permits_main.htm

6. Where is the Police Department located?
203 West Stanly Street, across from Trophy Heaven


The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved the Town of Stanfield’s application to participate in the National Flood Insurance program (NFIP). Flood insurance is now available to local property owners and may be purchased from any insurance agent or broker licensed to do business in the State where the insurable property is located.